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Zinga was found when she was just a tiny puppy. Some homeless guys in a park were using her as a football. Thank goodness she was saved. She is about 7 years old now and tiny weighing in at about 50 pounds. Zinga got a wonderful home when she was a puppy that she loved. Unfortunately she got ringworm from the kids in the family and was sent back to the rescue for treatment. While she was back with us getting treated for her ringworm she then showed signs of demodex mange, which all puppies are born with but when their immune system lowers the mites can take over and become a problem. Poor little Zinga had to quarantine by herself because she had a contagious itchy skin disease she couldn’t be with other animals. Then with the demodex at full swing Zinga started scratching and chewing on her skin. She then gave herself a secondary staff infection by doing all the licking and chewing. She was very crafty about getting her e-collar off. Zinga was such a trooper through it all and was always so sweet. Due to her long recovery she didn’t get the socializing she needed to be the amazing dog that she is. She was finally ready to go back to the family who were so thrilled to have her back. By then though Zinga had become that single dog that doesn’t like to always share or be challenged. She would do great with the other dog at her new home most of the time, but then would become aggressive towards him. She really is a total sweetheart but just doesn’t want to share her family anymore. She is very active and loves going for walks and car rides. She will play with toys in the backyard for hours. She adores children and would love some in her new family. She just loves hanging out with them because they are always doing something fun. She is kennel trained and also loves to curl up on the bed at night. She is such a wonderful girl and if you think you might be Zinga’ s perfect fit please call Jen #623-210-6578

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